The team of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov will take part in the selection for the educational intensive Island 10-22

In July of this year, on the basis of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech), a large-scale educational intensive course will be held for leaders of changes in higher education. The fight for a place on the "Island 10-22" promises to be acute, it is assumed that regional universities from all over the country will take part in it.

For most universities (including ours) participation in the intensive will be the start of connecting to the implementation of the National Technology Initiative ”(NTI) and the entry point to its ecosystem: we plan to connect to various information and educational services that will be useful to students and teachers. More information about them can be found on the project website.

According to the results of the selection, 100 management teams will take part in the intensive, each of which will consist of 10-12 people: university management, regional authorities, leaders of student communities, young scientists, representatives of high-tech businesses and investors.

Within 12 days, the participants of the intensive will learn new management techniques in education, get practice in digital disciplines and end-to-end NTI technologies at master classes of leading companies and experts, communicate with world-class visionaries in lectures, participate in discussions of thinking clubs.

The main tracks of the program are intense:

• Data Based Management (CDO)

• Tracks on end-to-end technology

• University Management Track

• Track acceleration of projects and the development of technological entrepreneurship

• Track Educational Engineering and Educational Technologies

• Track Science Education Centers

• Industry tracks

• Humanitarian track

• Regional Ecosystems

• Thinking clubs

• Sport and resource conditions

Read more about intensiveness.

Until April 1, 2019, the university forms a team of candidate candidates. Each applicant will have to undergo individual testing on the platform of the University “20.35” from March 1 to April 1 and get personal results that will be taken into account when forming the final composition of our team. Personal results of the team members will determine its success in the inter-university competition for places in the intensive.

If you see yourself as part of a university team, you can be tested from March 1 as an independent participant, and in the case of high results by the decision of the rector, you will be included in the team of  BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov. Attention! When registering on the platform, be sure to include the full and abbreviated name of our university (if you are not an employee or student, then a comma from the current place of work).

In the case of inclusion in the team and passing by the university the competition of the best teams on the “Island 10-22” participation in the intensive will be free for you (if you are not an employee of the university, then plan the cost of travel to Moscow).

If you declare as an independent participant, you will not join the team of the university, but at the same time show good results, the organizers may invite you to take part in the intensive process under different conditions. Details on the website intensive.

Passing qualifying testing and receiving recommendations for further development for all applicants is free.

Information about the previous intensive: the first educational intensive “Island 10-21” was held in July 2018 on the island of Russian for 1000 technological entrepreneurs, students and talented schoolchildren. As part of it, technologies for the formation of personal development trajectories using artificial intelligence, collecting digital footprints and forming digital profiles of students were developed. The key conclusion of the experiment was the need to create systems of a fundamentally new type, providing for each person the choice of the next development step with an unlimited number of attempts and constant processing of selection errors. Based on these findings, the University of 20.35 platform services set was formed, which includes such services as diagnostics service, digital profile service, next-step recommendation service and development trajectories, team building recommendation and contact services, educational space formation service ( “Competency Providers Exchange”).

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