The action Snow landing rallied students of all universities in the region

In the Belgorod region, the regional stage of the All-Russian volunteer patriotic action “Snow Troopers” was completed. 40 volunteer students from all universities in the region assisted residents of various districts of the region. Flagship University – BSTU named after  V.G. Shukhov - represented two groups of 18 students.

The work of the volunteers included snow removal on the streets, putting in order monuments and mass graves of the Great Patriotic War, assistance to pensioners and veterans. The detachment "White Lion" is not the first time participating in the action. This winter, the guys went to the Yakovlevsky urban district. The newcomers from the Starburst squadron spent a week in the villages of the Novooskolsky district.


"The action" Snow landing "rallied all the participants. When we together solved the problems and questions, it turned out that it was important to help not only with business, but also just to pay attention to lonely elderly people, to listen to them, ”volunteers shared their impressions.


The fighters also did a lot of work with schoolchildren: career-oriented lectures, master classes in drawing and handicrafts, game tournaments in board games, relays and even a volleyball tournament.

The Star Radiance squad completed the action with a concert in the Novo-Oskol boarding house for the elderly and disabled, and the White Lion gathered residents of the village of Bykovki, Yakovlevsky urban district, in a local culture center.

Technological volunteers were awarded prizes from the Belgorod regional branch of Municipal Organization of Public Organization “RSO” at a solemn meeting devoted to the Day of Russian student teams, which took place on February 13 at the Center for Youth Initiatives.

Reference: patriotic action "Snow landing" was born in the Altai Territory in 1969. In 2015, at the All-Russian Volunteer Forum, the action “Snow landing” was recognized as the best volunteer action in the country. In 2016, within the framework of the meeting of the Board of MOOO “RSO”, it was decided to assign the share the status of All-Russia. In the Belgorod region, the action "RNO Snow Landing" has been held since 2018.

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