The Council for Cultural and Educational Work summed up and determined the directions of activity

On the 12th of February  at the flagship university of the Belgorod region – BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov - a regular meeting of the Council for Cultural and Educational Work was held. Irina Avilova, Chairman of the Council - Vice-Rector for Cultural, Educational and Social Work, introduced the agenda to those present.



Yuri Buryak, Director of the Regional Scientific and Methodological Center for Professional Adaptation and Employment of Specialists, spoke about the creation of the “Alumni Association of the BSTU. V.G. Shukhov ”and preparing for the meeting of graduates in celebration of the anniversary of the university. The speaker proposed to organize organizational work in the departments at the invitation of graduates to participate in the festivities.



Mikhail Spirin, Deputy Director of the Center for Cultural and Educational Work, presented a report on the activities of the BSTU Volunteer Center. V.G. Shukhov and university activities implemented in 2018, which was declared the Year of the Volunteer. Mikhail Nikolaevich noted: “The ranks of caring students were replenished every month, including thanks to the meetings of student youth with representatives of student self-government, who informed about the activities of the CCA and large student associations, about the opportunities offered by the university - participation in forums, student exchanges, volunteer movements , various festivals and so on. Volunteers worked in three main areas: event, environmental and social volunteering, and by April 2017, there were more than 150 volunteers in the volunteer center. This gave grounds to join the Association of Volunteer Centers of Russia, being the only representative of volunteer associations among universities in the Belgorod Region. Today, there are 500 active volunteers in the volunteer center, and the total number of students enrolled in the university volunteer movement is about 2,000. ”

In the development of the topic, Irina Avilova acquainted the participants with the “Concept of development of volunteering (volunteering) in the Russian Federation until 2025” as part of the implementation of instructions from the President of the Russian Federation following the meeting of the State Council, as well as the main activities of the university’s roadmap and the development of new activities of the volunteer center. Summing up the work of the center, it was noted that the university had all the necessary conditions for the development of the volunteer movement, which is one of the most effective and promising areas of work organization for the formation of personal qualities of a modern student and conditions for the realization of social potential and sociocultural competencies of students.

An open dialogue took place in the “Miscellaneous” section, in which all those present were able to discuss current issues of cultural and educational activities.

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