BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov 65 years along with the Belgorod region

Students, faculty staff, university administration of the BSTU named after. V.G. Shukhov presented the university at a solemn event dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Belgorod Region.

The concert hall of the Belgorod State Philharmonic gathered the first persons of the region, heads of organizations, institutions, universities, representatives of the executive, legislative, judicial authorities of the region, representatives of federal structures.



It was noted that the university, the same age as the Belgorod region, became a real support for the construction complex of the Belgorod region. A young, independently developing field required highly qualified engineering personnel, specialists for real production. And today, in the 21st century, the university, as the main institution of higher education in Russia, continues to successfully train personnel for the region, which is more than 70% of the needs of the Belgorod Region, and for Russia and many foreign countries.


“The gala concert became an interesting and colorful story about outstanding countrymen and the achievements of the Belgorod region for 65 years. During the event, we got acquainted with the achievements in construction, industry, social sphere and agriculture. Thanks to the university for the opportunity to participate in such a large-scale event. Having learned the history of the region, you are even more proud that you live here! ”, - the university students shared their impressions.


Today, the university, which in 2019, like the Belgorod region, celebrates its 65th anniversary, is the largest specialized university in Russia, occupying a worthy place in the global educational and scientific space, actively participating in the implementation of a regional innovation strategy. The university trains specialists for many branches of the economy that are engaged in scientific research covering almost all spheres of life. Innovative technologies in the field of the construction industry and construction are successfully applied at the leading construction enterprises of the Belgorod Region, Russia and abroad.

Reference: From the history it is known that according to the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 797, the date of foundation of the Belgorod State Technological Institute (now BSTU named after VG Shukhov) is considered April 29, 1954. The first leader was then appointed Yevgeny Lvovich Binder. And in 1970, construction began on the first educational laboratory building on Kostyukov Street in the regional center, now known to all of the university campus. At the time of foundation, 12 departments were organized at the university and engineers began training in 4 specialties.

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