BSTU named after Shukhov expansion of its presence at the educational sites of the regions

A final seminar-meeting of the heads of the branches and resource information and methodological centers of BSTU. Named after V.G. Shukhov was held at the reference university.

On the eve of state accreditation procedures for universities and branches, which will be held in 2019, the university’s structural units will be ready to promote accreditation.



The rector of the university, Professor Sergey Glagolev, reminded the audience that the ever-increasing demands are demanding from the educational organization, they are changing in the direction of increasing the rating indicators.

“That is why we set ambitious goals for ourselves and the team. Our teams have achieved significant results, and we have obvious dynamic growth rates, which indicate that we have the right to the status of a state university in industry, ”said Sergey Nikolayevich.


This was the strengthening and scaling of the presence of BSTU. V.G. Shukhov on the educational sites of the regions. First of all - providing recruitment, career guidance and work with applicants for all educational trajectories offered as a compulsory course of study, a set of educational programs of vocational education, higher education and magistracy, correspondence courses, programs of vocational education. It is also necessary to keep in touch with regional employers.

“Our work measures indicators and indicators. Successful indicators of each region add up to the prosperous and dynamic development of the entire university, ”the rector concluded.


Sergey Bulgakov told about the rules for admission of applicants in 2019 and the correctness of paperwork. Sergey Koptsev.

The Vice-Rector for Security, Vladimir Borisovskiy, recalled how work is being done to ensure the integrated security of the activities of the university departments.

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