The university joined celebration of the New year

In the student palace of culture BSTU named after  V.G. Shukhov's creative teams of the university presented the children with a New Year's fairy tale “Magic bag of Santa Claus”. The bright performance near the New Year's tree pleased not only the children, but also their parents - teachers and university staff.

“Funny heroes of the tale told that there is nothing more precious than friendship, honesty and a sincere smile. The Snow Maiden gave everyone a good mood, and Grandfather Frost lit the lights on the Christmas tree and gave the children souvenirs to commemorate the holiday. A small New Year's concert near the Christmas tree showed once again that our artists are the most talented, ”said the organizers of the festive event.


The university also presented a theatrical group at the 17th open Belgorod city review competition “Parade of Grandfathers Frost and Snow Maidens”. Since 2001, two traditional characters Father Frost and Snow Maiden, as well as theatrical extras have been participating in the carnival procession from the building of the city administration to the Cathedral Square. This year a record was recorded - 72 pairs of Grandfathers Frost and Snow Maiden took part in the Parade.


At the end of the carnival procession, the contestants formed one patterned dance - the largest New Year's mass dance Belgorodtsev. Also was lit the most important tree in the city.

“Our university presented a theatrical group led by Santa Claus. The brightest and most colorful costume was in our group, this is the Rooster. Almost all city residents wanted to take a picture with him. According to the results of the competition, our couple Father Frost (3rd year student of AI AI Denis Gnezdilov) and Snow Maiden took third place in prizes, ”said a student in the culture palace.

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