91 award: the creative teams of the university summed up the results of 2018

In 2018, creative teams of the flagship  university  BSTU named after  V.G. Shukhov actively participated in events of various levels and scale.


Students competed, demonstrated talents, gained experience and strengthened the image of the university at international, All-Russian, interregional, regional and city sites.


For 2018, creative teams received 91 awards. Among them, 4 Grand Prix: at the international open competition - the festival “On the crest of a wave” ensemble Vocal Studio “Music of Happiness”, under the direction of Olga Tsymbalist won the Grand Prix for the best pop vocal, at the All-Russian level the Grand Prix received a dance studio “ Danza ", under the leadership of Irina Yatskovskaya in the nomination" STK Production Mixed Basik ". At the second open All-Russian festival-competition of choreographic art “Yolki”, Grand Prix was won by Anton Golovin and Valery Kostin - the dance lab duet of Irina Yatskovskaya, in the nomination “Choreography, duets”; "Choreography" at the XI Open Regional Dance Competition "Oskolsky stars - 2018".


The vocal studio "Faculty" and the Youth Cossack Song Ensemble confirmed the title of the "Amateur Folk Group". 6 teams became winners of the Interregional Competition Champions Cup, 40 creative teams and artists became laureates of the 1st degree, 2 and 3 degrees - 14 teams. In addition, a variety of diplomas, certificates, thanks to regional and city competitions were awarded to creative teams of BSTU V.G. Shukhov.


“All these victories are, first of all, hard work, development of skills and professionalism, burning eyes, a lot of creative ideas, unleashing students' potential, the ability to“ reboot ”after studying. In such a creative and friendly atmosphere, inspiration is born, the desire to create and do it with the soul. This is precisely the reason for many victories and achievements of students, ”the studio leaders and staff of the student palace of culture of the BSTU named  V.G. Shukhov after them shared the results of the year.

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