Named the best projects of students on the basis of the school Business from scratch

As part of the business school for youth “Business from scratch” BSTU. V.G. On December 17, Shukhov hosted the contest “Best Youth Project” of business projects. The competition commission, which included experts - heads of successful enterprises, who are winners in Russian and international competitions, evaluated the work and presentations of the participants.


Among the semi-finalists (40 people), according to the results of the competition, the authors of nine projects in three nominations and two projects in two nominations, won with the participation of the sponsor - Media Technologies LLC, won and won prizes.


December 19, the award ceremony was held, where the vice-rector for cultural, educational and social work of the University Irina Avilova presented diplomas and memorable prizes (tablets) to the winners and runners-up of the competition. The winners presented the presentations of their works, which were highly appreciated by the administration of the university. Youth initiatives will be supported by the university in terms of their practical implementation.


Winners and prize-winners of the competition:

- nomination “Best Creative Project”:

1st place - Robert Shtreich (TTI, MTS-12) and Klara Prokopyeva (KhTI, MPR-12) - project: “A mobile coffee shop on Pushkin Alley of BSTU. V.G. Shukhov "I love you";

2nd place - Vladimir Lisovenko (MTU-21) - project: “Regional marketplace for farmers”;

3rd place - Nikolay Nesmachny (ITOM, TM-41) - project: “Stressa.Net Club”;

- nomination "Best optimal project"

1st place - Vladimir Kuznetsov (IEM, STM-41) - project: "Manufacture of furniture for residential and commercial premises for the interior space";

2nd place - Dmitry Volobuev (TTI, MTS-11) - project: “Vending machines for selling one-time phone charges”;

3rd place - Daniel S. Reutov (Belgorod Industrial College, resident of Ivnyansky district) - project: “CALL-CENTER“ BIG DEN ”;

- nomination "The best project in the sphere of production, services and technologies":

1st place - Louise Koshkalda (ISI, UN-31) - project: “Key Agency”;

2nd place - Irina Zelikova (ITOM, MT-41) - project: “Organization of coworking for youth“ Anticafe # V_topé ”;

3rd place - Maxim Sergeev (TTI, MTS - 12) - project: “Cafe with home delivery”.

Nominations with the participation of the sponsor of "Media Technology":

- nomination “The best socially-oriented project” - Polina Ospishcheva (IIS, UN-31) - project: “School-studio of design, make-up and manicure”;

- nomination "The best project in the field of innovation" - Denis Malyshev (ITOM, PM-51) - project: "Development and commercialization of an oxidation column for producing alkyd varnishes."

Event Video

For reference: the school consisted of 7 trainings with the participation of mentors: managers of successful start-ups, managers and specialists of infrastructure support facilities in the region, financial organizations, legislative and executive bodies. As a result of the project: 270 people were trained who acquired competencies and business skills, entrepreneurship among young people was promoted, and among the trained, active and talented young people were identified who could organize business in various sectors of the Belgorod region's economy.

Project Manager - Director of the Innovation and Technology Center, Cand. econ Sciences, Associate Professor Lyudmila Romanovich.

The School of Youth Entrepreneurship “Business from scratch” is being implemented with the support of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs “Rosmolodezh”. The goal of the project is to increase the level of economic literacy of students and the development of youth entrepreneurship in the Belgorod region.

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