Foreign students will tell friends and relatives about the Belgorod plant ZhBK-1

Foreign students studying in English at BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, visited with an introductory tour at the plant ZhBK-1.

A tour of the company was conducted by the head of the personnel department of the plant, Vitaly Landin. The senior lecturer of the department SMIK BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov Anastasia Shchekina.

Students from Egypt, Ghana, Mali, Yemen, Morocco and other countries received a unique opportunity to see with their own eyes the production of various types of building materials at the largest Russian enterprise Zavod ZHBK-1, visited the museum of the enterprise, the line for the production of paving slabs, reinforced concrete rings and slabs, woodworking shop. At the same time, young people received a large amount of information about their future profession.

During the tour, foreign students actively asked questions regarding raw materials, production technology, preparation of raw materials, equipment, and the range of products. Vitaly Landin together with his colleagues lucidly and competently told foreigners about the main intricacies of production.

“After visiting the factory, a student from Mali chose a direction for his scientific work in the field of paving slab research. He also expressed a desire to write a thesis on this subject. All students decided to carefully study the site of the company and tell about it to their friends and relatives in their countries, ”commented the tour at the Preparatory Faculty for Foreign Citizens of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov.

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