Commission of the Council of Rectors summed up the work for the year on international cooperation

On the basis of the flagship university – BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov - the final meeting of the commission on international cooperation of the Council of Rectors of the Belgorod Region was held.

The vice-rector for international activities, vice-chairman of the commission Ruslan Lesovik welcomed his colleagues as host countries.


In turn, the chairman of the commission, the dean of the preparatory faculty of the BelSU National Research University Mikhail Trubitsyn emphasized that the “Technologist” pays great attention to international cooperation, systematic work is being done in this direction.


On the experience of educational, adaptive and professional work of the preparatory faculty for foreign citizens of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov told dean Elena Legochkina. Elena Nikolaevna shared practical experience in working with foreign citizens and summed up the work that brings the strategy of the university.

The commission also heard a report by Ekaterina Suprunenko, the head of the passport and visa department of the BelSU National Research University, “The features of the migration legislation of the Russian Federation regarding foreign citizens studying at Russian universities”.


At the end of the commission’s work, colleagues exchanged experiences and discussed pressing issues within the stated topics.

For reference: the commission of the Council of Rectors of the Belgorod Region on International Cooperation was established in 2002 and is intended to coordinate the activities of universities in the field of international cooperation. The commission includes representatives of universities of the Belgorod region.

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