The main mechanics of the road-building enterprises of the region have improved their qualifications at the university

Teachers of the department of hoisting-and-transport and road machines of the regional university held classes on improving the skills of the main mechanics of road-building enterprises of the Belgorod region under the program "Improving the reliability and durability of hydraulic equipment and drives equipment".

Specialists from the leading enterprises of the Belgorod region took part in the training: Beldorstroy, DEP No. 96, Lindor, Belgoroddorstroi, BelZnak Prokhorovka, Avtodor and others.

On behalf of the university administration, the students of the courses were greeted by the first vice-rector Nikolai Shapovalov, noting the need for systematic advanced training and telling about the possibilities in this direction of the supporting university.


“The use of advanced equipment in road construction requires new knowledge from engineers who operate and repair them. The quality of road construction in many respects depends on the technical condition of the machines and the used workflow management systems, ”the department said.

Head of the department professor Alexey Romanovich spoke about the requirements for drives and mechanical transmissions of road-building machines, about modern methods of their alignment and adjustment, paid attention to the choice of energy carriers of hydraulic systems and how to determine their quality.

Associate Professor Mikhail Gerasimov introduced students to innovative developments in the field of vibration equipment used to compact road foundations and the requirements for their operation.

Boris Zdanovich, Head of the Jupiter-9 road-building machinery service, and Viktor Stepanischev, a specialist, told about the requirements for the operation of hydraulic systems for road-building equipment, which make it possible to increase its reliability and durability.

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