University scientist presented an innovative development at the forum in Sochi

The annual All-Russian Conference “Innovative solutions in the field of energy efficiency and energy saving for educational facilities” was held in Sochi.

The purpose of the conference is to organize a dialogue between representatives of science, business, the public, federal and regional authorities on the complex issues of organizing electricity and heat supply and ensuring the energy efficiency of a modern educational institution.

In the plenary session of the conference, the associate professor of the institute of energy, information technology and control systems of the flagship university BSTU named after  V.G. Shukhov - Yuri Koshlich took part as a speaker.

Yuri presented the report “The Energy Resource Management System of the Belgorod Region as the Basis for Building Regional Energy Saving Management Systems in the Public Sector”. The report talks about the project being implemented on the basis of the institute with the support of the energy-saving center of the Belgorod Region and the housing and utilities department.

Innovative development BSTU named after V.G. Shukhova- Energy Resource Management System (SUER) - is an analytical tool for managing energy saving in the public sector, ensuring greater efficiency in organizing the management and planning system for the region’s energy resources.


SUER is the basis of digital transformation of housing and public utilities and an integral part of the implementation of the blocks “Smart utilities”, “Quality of urban resources management and effective urban planning”, the concept of “Smart City”.

The head of the section “Support and Promotion of a Domestic Manufacturer of High-Quality Equipment for the Fuel and Energy Complex (FEC) of Russia” of the Expert Council under the working group of the Council of the Federation on monitoring the implementation of legislation in the field of energy, energy saving and energy efficiency, Rashid Artikov noted the significance of the work being done and innovative projects implemented and implemented on the basis of the Institute of Energy, information technology and control systems BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov.

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