The leading professor of the university was awarded a medal to the 165th anniversary of V.G. Shukhov

Moscow hosted a meeting of the Association of Technical Universities, Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman and the International and Russian unions of scientific and engineering associations. The event was dedicated to the 165th anniversary of the birth of engineer V.G. Shukhov.

The base university of the Belgorod region introduced the head. Department of Building Materials, products and structures, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, professor, author of geonics science Valery Lesovik.


The scientist of "Technologist" made a report "On the implementation of the ideas of VG Shukhov in construction and architecture. According to prof. Lesovik , in recent decades the negative impact on humans of natural and man-made processes has been constantly increasing: “More and more regions in which the ecological situation catastrophically affects the physical and psychological state of a person. A person is surrounded by building materials up to 85-90% of his life. But at present, when designing buildings and structures, we envisage the protection of a person mainly only from abnormal temperatures. ”

Within the framework of geonics (geomimetics), theoretical concepts have been developed that allow the creation of new generation building materials that can protect people from the effects of natural and man-made anomalies, lethal and non-lethal weapons, electromagnetic waves, acoustic aggression, etc. Architectural geonics allows you to design the shape of buildings that is optimal for humans.

The presented report aroused great interest in the academic environment. For his contribution to the development of science and technology, the creation of a new transdisciplinary science, in which, among others, the ideas of Vladimir Shukhov are being developed, Valery Lesovik was awarded a commemorative medal issued to the 165th anniversary of V.G. Shukhov.

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