University opened the exhibition Architects-2018

On the 23rd of November , the annual exhibition of final qualifying works was opened, at which students of three departments presented their courses and diplomas: “Architecture and urban planning” (head of the department, professor M.V. Perkova), “Design of the architectural environment” (head of the department, Professor A.D. Popov) and “Architectural Structures” (Head of Department, Professor I.A. Degtev). The exposition also includes draft designs for landscaping in the Belgorod Region.


The exhibition was opened by the director of the architectural institute, honored architect of Russia Vitaly Pertsev. In his speech, Vitaly Vladimirovich noted that creativity is close to everyone and he himself also loves creativity very much, and today's exhibition of the most creative departments of the university gives a broad idea of ​​the level and quality of training future specialists.


Teachers, students and staff of the department are actively involved in various research and design and creative programs and projects, demonstrating a good professional level and creative potential. According to their projects, buildings and structures have been built that have received public recognition and have been awarded numerous awards and prizes at regional and All-Russian contests.

The joint exhibition project provides an opportunity not only to delve into the creative component of the training units and hear a report on their activities, but also to everyone present to draw on the presented works with inspiration. The works presented at the exhibition are the best student's diploma and course projects that can not only reflect modern trends in the field of architecture, but also motivate everyone for their own creative achievements.



Not without pleasant surprises: the heads of the departments were awarded letters of thanks for the active participation of teachers and students in various exhibition projects.

The exhibition "Architects-2018" will continue its work until December 20.

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