University lecturers studied the All-Russian experience at the forum on BIM-technologies

The Voronezh State Technical University hosted the annual All-Russian Forum “BIM. Design.Building.Exploitation".

The educational platform brought together experts from the Ministry of Construction, 250 professionals from the construction industry, real estate and infrastructure from more than 10 regions and 70 design organizations, leading specialists involved in the implementation of 3D technologies in Russia, scientists from 14 universities, including Voronezh supporting universities, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Volgograd, Belgorod.

Flagship University presented the head of Department of EUN Andrei Naumov and Senior Lecturer of the Department of GKII Alexander Dolzhenko.

Experts discussed current aspects of the introduction of BIM-technologies and their use throughout the life cycle of the property - from design to operation. The forum participants noted that BIM technologies are becoming the main modern construction business when an investor is successful who has quick access to any interesting information about the urban environment and infrastructure with its connection to spatial objects.


"The participation of BSTU named after  V.G. Shukhov in such a large-scale and representative branch event at the federal level allowed to adjust the development strategy of BIM-technologies in the scientific and educational activities of the university. Formulate key approaches to improving the core disciplines focused on the digitalization of the construction industry, offer a number of actualized research and experimental activities for bachelors, masters and graduate students of the university who are interested in innovations in the design, construction and operation of buildings, structures and their engineering systems ” - said Andrei Evgenievich.

The forum was organized by the VSTU, the government of the Voronezh region with the support of ASCON, Gazpromprojecting Engineering, the design institute Giprokommundortrans, GeoStroyIyskaniya, DASIS.

For reference: BIM technologies (digital building modeling technologies) are implemented in the design using modern software systems that allow not only to obtain a three-dimensional model of a building, a quarter or a whole city, but also to saturate this model with information about all engineering and utility systems of a building at once . The uniqueness of the BIM-approach is primarily in reducing the costs of construction and operation of facilities, because the digital model allows specialists to reduce costs for the creation and support of facilities, for authorities at various levels to make optimal management decisions to support urban infrastructure.

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