Prize for participation in a scientific conference - internship in Denmark

A young scientist of the flagship university – BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, among the four Russian colleagues, had a week-long internship at the international company Brüel&Kjr (Denmark).


After participating with competitive work in an international scientific conference dedicated to the memory of an outstanding scientist in the field of building sciences, founder of the building physics in the USSR and the Russian Federation, Academician of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences, Professor GeorgyOsipov, Senior Teacher of the Department of Energetics of Thermal Technology at the University Sergey Weisser ) awarded a special prize from Brüel&Kjr Company “For the original and talented solution of the acoustic problem”. The special prize was a trip to the company Brüel&Kjær, which is a recognized world leader in the field of vibration and sound measurements, for a scientific internship.

Sergey Sergeevich completed a 5-day course in: Introduction to Electroacoustic and Electroacoustic measurement on Personal Communication Devices. It is worth noting that the internship is entirely in English. Young scientists got acquainted with advanced equipment in the field of measuring acoustic characteristics in automobiles and aircraft construction, excursions in laboratories and production workshops of the company.


This internship is the starting point for cooperation between the base university and the Danish company. Technologist is actively working in the field of building acoustics (under the direction of the head of the Department of Mass Media and Valery Lesovik), and it is planned to create a separate laboratory for the study of sound insulation and sound-absorbing characteristics of building materials.

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