At the training business school told how to get investors

A regular business school for youth “Business from scratch” was held at the flagship university. The first mentor was made by Alexander Shcheglov - a businessman, a deputy of the Belgorod Regional Duma, a graduate of the BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov.


Under the initiative of the governor of the Belgorod region, Alexander Fedorovich became the founder of the White Wings investor association, the main mission of which is to develop innovative entrepreneurship in the Belgorod region.


Alexander Shcheglov spoke about the forms of support that the association can offer: “The main task of the association is to search for investment-attractive innovative projects, to provide assistance in selecting mentors and investors for their successful implementation.”

The speaker shared with the youth his positive experience of achievements in the sphere of entrepreneurial activity, spoke about the first steps in entrepreneurship, made back in his student years, about his hobbies.

Great interest and active discussion caused the topic of business angels. “The association will help you find your own business angel, who will be interested in investing in your project, and will assist in organizing your business to ideological young entrepreneurs at an early stage of formation,” the speaker explained.

In addition, the association intends to support large innovative start-ups with the prospect of growth - by attracting syndicated investments and federal investors.

No less interesting and useful for students, the school was the topic “Projects and programs of JSC“ Corporation “Development” - to help businessmen. " Mentor was Konstantin Teterin, CEO of Development Corporation.

Young people learned about the key areas of the corporation's work: searching for and attracting investors to various sectors of the regional economy, evaluating and selecting investment projects in the Belgorod Region, advancing to various investment platforms and developing international cooperation, helping to improve the region's investment climate. And the main protagonist of all these processes is the youth.


Listeners asked a lot of questions and discussed topics: how to become a successful businessman in modern conditions and how to find an investor for your idea, how to achieve goals in business and examples of well-known successful entrepreneurs who have fulfilled their dream.

Konstantin Teterin also spoke about the opening of the project “Boiling Point Belgorod” on November 28-29 and invited listeners to participate in the program of the STARTUP event: LAND-fair of projects of the Agro & FoodTech sector on November 15-16.

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