The military-patriotic project The Way of Strength-2018 summed up

The military-patriotic project "The Way of Strength-2018" summed up

Final conference was held on the results of the five stages of the military-sports test "The Way of Strength-2018" at the press center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Belgorod region.  As part of a comprehensive agreement, the Rosgvardia Department for the Belgorod Region took part in this event as partners of the competition. The project was implemented with the support of the Presidential Grants Foundation. The organizers of the competition are sports and patriotic club "Belogor" and BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov.

The press conference was attended by the head of the Belgorod branch of the All-Russian public organization “Combat Brotherhood”, the Hero of Russia and co-organizer of the project VyacheslavVorobyov, representatives of the regional departments of the Russian Guard, the Interior Ministry and the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Department of Physical Culture and Sports, the leaders of the military and sports-patriotic clubs of Belgorod and Belgorod regions and their pupils.


“Such military-sports competitions have a beneficial effect on the patriotic education of the younger generation, the promotion of healthy lifestyles, physical culture and sports, and are also a good help in basic military training,” said the deputy commander of the Social Security Directorate of the Rosgvardia department in the Belgorod Region at a press conference. Colonel Alexander Shabaev.

At the end of the press conference, Hero of Russia VyacheslavVorobyev presented letters of gratitude to representatives of law enforcement agencies for assistance in holding large-scale competitions, and awarded winners and prize winners with commemorative cups.

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