University professor presented his vision of the scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation

An interdepartmental seminar was held in Moscow on the problems of Russia's scientific and technological development. The event was organized by the Russian Union of Scientific and Engineering Public Associations.

The current stage of development of all the leading states of the world determines the subject of scientific and technological development. The participants of the seminar made suggestions on how to solve problems on this topic, on the development of regions, scientific schools, etc. The main university at this event was represented by the head of the department SMIK, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Valery Lesovik.

In his speech, professor called upon scientists from all over the world to invest their scientific knowledge in enhancing the comfort of the human environment, protecting people from the negative impact of natural and man-made processes. The professor stressed that the solution of such issues is possible within the framework of the transdisciplinary scientific direction of geonics (geomimetics). The theoretical laws formulated within the framework of geonics aroused the interest of the listeners.


Vladimir Ivanov, Deputy President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, focused on the need for fundamental research that predetermines the future of Russia. An interesting report was presented by the Assistant to the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District A. Piskunov on the regional aspects of the spatial development strategy. The Chief Researcher of the Institute of Systems Analysis of FITS “Informatics and Control” of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.Leksin expressed his views on the strategy of spatial development of Russia.

Of particular interest was the report of the Scientific Secretary of the Interdepartmental Coordination Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences V. Litvintsev on the development of the project “United Eurasia: TEPR-IETS”.

Deputy Director of the Research and Education Center for Eurasian Economic Integration and Development A. Khrebtov spoke about the need to capitalize on the intellectual potential of the regions. It is intellectual potential that is the fundamental basis for the development of Russia.

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