The university celebrated the day of military glory of Russia

Day of military glory of Russia is celebrated on November 7. This was told to the students of the Institute of Chemical Technology Institute of the Museum and Exhibition Complex of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov at the next video lecture, presenting footage of the documentary chronicle of the military parade of 1941.


Andrei Viktorovich Cherkasov, Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the University, internationalist warrior addressed the students with an opening address.


“The university pays great attention to the patriotic education of students. In this activity are involved and the museum staff, who hold numerous exhibitions, meetings with servicemen and veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the participants of the Great Patriotic War. A few years ago, the university published the book “Victory and Memorable Days of Russia”; it was reprinted several times and became a reference book for the university employees. The chapter devoted to the parade on November 7, 1941 occupies an important place in the publication, ”the museum's director Tamara Konoreva said.

From history it is known that the military parade of Soviet troops on Red Square on November 7, 1941, was decided to be held to strengthen morale. It was a convincing opportunity to declare to the whole world that Moscow is standing and will stand firmly, that the morale of the army is not broken. The parade had enormous ideological significance, and its successful conduct, called by historians the largest military operation, marked the first omen of the future Great Victory.

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