University graduate headed the Department of Digital Development of the region

The new department in the structure of the regional administration - the Department of Digital Development –now headed by EvgenyMiroshnikov.

The Department of Digital Development, which appeared in the structure of the government of the Belgorod Region on October 8, 2018 by order of Governor YevgenySavchenko, will be engaged in transformations in the field of information and information technologies.

Evgeny V.Miroshnikov - a graduate of BSTU. V.G. Shukhov 2007. He graduated from the Faculty of the Institute of Industrial Information Technologies (Production Automation and Information Technologies, now the Institute of Energy, Information Technologies and Control Systems), defended his thesis, participated in the development and implementation of a number of successful projects in the field of information technologies.

Prior to his current appointment, YevgenyMiroshnikov worked as deputy head of the governor’s administration — head of the information technology and communications department.

Flagship University BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov - today trains highly qualified specialists for the digital economy of both the Belgorod region and Russia as a whole.

“We see and feel that the country's economy is entering a period of powerful innovative, technological breakthrough. And in this connection, high-quality technical and IT education should come to the fore. The main "consumer" of our graduates will be the new modernized economy. We must train specialists of tomorrow, smart engineers. As a pivotal university of the Belgorod region, we are able to pick up the modern trends of digitalization, actively and effectively integrate into the global educational space, and make a worthy competition to the leading educational centers, ”said the rector of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov Professor Sergey Glagolev.

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