The project «School of entrepreneurship for youth «Business from scratch» started at BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov

Director of the Center for Cultural and Educational Work of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov Natalya Mityakina opened the event and spoke about the importance of the Rosmolodezh project for students and graduates-potential entrepreneurs.


Lyudmila Romanovich, Director of the University’s Innovation and Technology Center, spoke about the project “Business from Youth for Entrepreneurship School”, which consists of 7 trainings aimed at acquiring and developing business skills, promoting entrepreneurship among young people, identifying and encouraging active and gifted young people, as well as the creation of a small business on the basis of the university.


The main goal of the project is to increase the level of economic literacy among young people and to promote the development of youth entrepreneurship in the Belgorod Region.

The next training will be held on October 15, time from 16:00, lecture hall: A5 of the academic building.


The training topic: “Entrepreneur: personal qualities and professional skills. Entrepreneurs who are the pride of Russia. Where to start: how to choose and justify an idea for a business? Am I the one on the market?”

Mentor: Ovchinnikov, Viktor Vasilyevich - Member of the Academy of Management and Market, Deputy Chairman of the Belgorod Public Chamber, one of the founders of the Russian School of Entrepreneurship, PhD in history.

For reference: The project is the winner of the All-Russian competition of youth projects among educational institutions of higher education in 2018 in the nomination "Professional competence and entrepreneurship." The project is implemented with the support of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs of the Russian Federation (Rosmolodezh).


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