The 165th anniversary of V.G. Shukhov was celebrated with a festive marathon

On September 8,we were celebrated the 165th anniversary of the birth of Russian engineer Vladimir G. Shukhov as a grand marathon. The solemn program began with awards of gratitude letters from the best students of the university - excellent students, registered scholars and activists of the university.


Vera Samorodova, the head of the department of the State Service and Personnel of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation congratulated the children, the rector of the university, professor Sergey Glagolev, as well as the great-grandson of Shukhov, the director of the Shukhov Tower Foundation - Vladimir Fedorovich.


Then the guests of the holiday waited for a rich program. On the territory of the university there was an "interactive campus". On the expanded sports grounds it was possible to play table tennis, to compete in tug of war, to play chess or to try the forces in arm wrestling. Fans of literature were expecting an exhibition of books about Shukhov, and lovers of more vivid emotions were given the opportunity to show their talents in master classes on the mural of souvenirs, the "Shukhov" photo zone, and the karaoke site


"I have never seen such a beautiful holiday. It's so beautiful that Vladimir Grigorievich's memory lives, and events in honor of his birthday give us such emotions, "the first-year student of the BSTU named after Shukhov shared her impressions.

In the Center for Innovation and Design "Metamorphosis" for schoolchildren was an informative excursion, master classes in robotics and biology.

And for adults who are not indifferent to the history of Russian engineering and the fate of Vladimir G. Shukhov, they conducted a "Soft Lecture". It is such a format of the presentation of the material, in which the speaker communicates the information as clearly as possible for everyone. The lecturers were the head of the department of expertise and property management Andrey Naumov with the lecture "The Creative Heritage of VG Shukhov" and the head of the Belgorod Regional Archive Pavel Subbotin with a lecture on other great Belgorod residents.

During the breaks between the lectures the listeners were able to communicate with the great-grandson of the Russian engineer - Vladimir Fedorovich Shukhov, who arrived in Belgorod specially to participate in the festive marathon. The "Soft-lecture" in the "question-answer" format was completed.

The lecture hall was held in the conference hall, during which the leading Russian scientists in the field of materials science and the glass industry told the graduate students and students about their research and development. Read more about this on the student portal "Science and Innovation".



The original birthday present of Vladimir Shukhov was prepared by graduates of the university - Pavel Khakhalev (engineer of the department of mechanical equipment) and Andrey Babayev. They invented and with the active assistance of the university implemented the project "Quest-Shukhov's room" in the museum and exhibition complex of the support university. Entourage of the XIX century attached photography, engineer, antique furniture set, desk, lamp, samovar. Here will be held popular science quests.

Viktor Osipov, Director of the Shukhov Tower Foundation Vladimir Shukhov, President, International Shukhov Foundation Leonid Shtern, Vice-Rector for Development of the Property Complex and Social Work of the South-Western State University (Kursk) Olga Larina. The guests warmly congratulated on the holiday, presented memorable gifts to the university.

A significant moment was the awarding to Viktor Osipov the title of "Honorary Professor of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov. " The corresponding diploma was received by Viktor Ivanovich from the hands of the rector of the university Sergey Glagolev. During the meeting of the Academic Council a number of teachers, students of the university, as well as schoolchildren who took part in the creative contest, dedicated to the anniversary of V.G. Shukhov, received letters of thanks and letters.

In the evening on the open platform of student creativity: "Faculty", "Music of Happiness", ensemble of variety dance "Premier", ballroom dance studio "Vivat Dance", dance studio "Hostal", and break-team of the university.


The main event of the evening was a concert of the popular band "Brilliant". Girls charged emotions of spectators, became an ornament of a large-scale celebration, having executed the main hits.

At the end of the event, the university administration and guests congratulated the youth and students of the whole city on the 165th anniversary of the great engineer and the start of the new academic year. "Dukhovtsy is a name, a symbol of the university. The way that your university did, deserves high marks. We believe in you, we know that you are the best, happy holiday! ".


A bright bouquet to the end of the holiday on the open observation platform of the support university flared scale firework

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