Formula Student: reboot

BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov is implementing a project to create race cars of the formula type Formula Student class already for four years. The engineering and racing team of SHUKHOV RACING TEAM has already created 4 racing cars with an internal combustion engine and took part in the international competitions of the Formula SAE project in Italy, the Czech Republic and Hungary. The Formula SAE project includes three directions: Combustion, Electric (fireballs on electric traction) and a completely new direction, which appeared in Europe 2 years ago - Driverless (Formula SAE unmanned electric bikes).

It's time to reload the project of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov. The creation of a new engineering direction became the key point. On August 21, 2018, a new engineering line was implemented - SHUKHOV RACING TEAM Driverless (SRT Driverless). BSTU team has a difficult task - to create racing car from scratch, not just electric, but also unmanned. In Europe there are 20 teams, the project is expanding and actively gaining momentum around the world. In Russia, the Belgorod team became pioneers in this class. The motto of the team is "Formula Student. Reboot ". In July 2019, the team will present its first Russian unmanned racing electrobore of Formula SAE class - EvolveNT.

The main goal of the team is to attract young people's attention to motor sports and engineering and technical creativity, as well as the education of future engineers and the training of highly qualified specialists of the university.

The task of the student's engineering and racing team is to create a racing car in accordance with all the requirements of the technical regulations of the Formula SAE project, in addition, the team must develop a complete set of design documentation for their car, prepare a business plan for small-scale production of their cars and a report on the full cost. The team should work exactly one year to create a racing car and prepare all the necessary documentation.

The special feature and the main difference between the new car of the SRT Driverless team will be a new recognition system, through which the car will overcome the maneuver routes on any trajectory.

The team of the new project SHUKHOV RACING TEAM Driverless includes students, undergraduates and postgraduates in various areas of training from BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov. The curator of the project is the assistant of the Department of Operation and Organization of Motor Transport (EDA) - Anton Dikevich, the project coordinator (deputy curator) is the department fellow - Victoria Saplinova. Associate professors of the Department of Technical Cybernetics Dmitry Yudin and Alexander Bazhanov are consultants on the engineering and design component of the project.

"Formula Student" - international engineering and sports competitions, student version of the project Formul-1.

Since the beginning of the academic year, there is an opening for the SHUKHOV RACING TEAM Driverless team. Students will have the opportunity to become part of a new, interesting and unusual engineering project that can give a "sip of oxygen" for the student engineering directions of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov.

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