Congratulation on the Knowledge Day from Mikhail Kotyukov, Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation

Dear friends!

On behalf of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and personally from myself, I congratulate you on the start of the new academic year!

The Day of Knowledge is the main holiday for students, graduates and lecturers of Russian universities, for all those who develop the system of national education. Each academic year is special, it brings new discoveries, new ideas and opportunities.

Today, the State looks forward to the higher education. It is the current generation of students and lecturers who can provide an innovative breakthrough that will bring Russia to the number of countries that are leaders in scientific and technological development. For this purpose, in the coming years, Russian universities will have to change considerably: teaching methods, approaches to the organization of the educational process, qualification work - everything will become more oriented towards practical scientific and professional activities. Russian universities will become more open in terms of international cooperation, and their graduates will be competitive in the Russian and foreign labor markets. As a result, Russia should enter the top ten of the leading countries in terms of the presence of national universities in the global ranking of the top 500 best universities in the world.

Each student and lecturer can contribute to the process of development and modernization of the Russian higher school. The success depends on your support, courage and initiative, creativity and responsibility of the reforms that will ensure Russia a worthy place in the world system of knowledge and innovation!

I wish you success in all your endeavors in the new academic year!

Mikhail Kotyukov,

Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation

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