Students from BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov completed a language internship in China

BSTU students - Pavel Sipko (group C-43, Construction Engineering Institute) and Elizaveta Gayvoronskaya (group AR-51, Institute of Architecture) returned from China, where they did a language internship in Harbin Institute of Technology for one month. Returning to Russia, the guys told about their impressions, the features of life in China and about the trip as a whole.


Students from Belgorod were surprised with a warm welcome: the university arranged transfer and comfortable hotel for our students. Volunteers kindly advised on any issues. Also they were given student cards which have a number of advantages for their holders in China.

The workload of the curriculum left an opportunity to enjoy foreign culture. As a rule, the guys walked and explored the city and its suburbs in their spare time. For example, BSTU students managed to visit Mount Maoershan and the city of Beijing, the capital of China.


Lectures were held on different topics: China's economy, culture and history, development and business, software, development of robotics, space and satellite systems and many others.

Throughout the program, a remarkable teaching staff was selected. Lecturers, professors from the United States, Spain and China had a lot of experience not only in teaching, but also in business. This provided an excellent opportunity to discuss all the exciting issues concerning study, work and business.

The students note that each lecture was conducted easily and naturally. In particular - classes in the Chinese language, which was very understandable. Thus, after the first lesson, Russian students were able to speak a little bit in Chinese.

In addition to the curriculum, a cultural program was also provided. The organizers conducted traditional sports games where the Belgorod team took the first place. In addition, several excursions to museums and major sights of Harbin were organized.

"In general, this program gives an opportunity to learn China from the inside. Thanks to that, we got new friends from different parts of the world, as well as we got many impressions and opportunities for development. Strive, create, develop and all your goals will be achieved. We are planning to graduate BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov and continue our studies at Harbin Institute of Technology", Pavel shared his impressions.

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