The scientist of the university presented the university at the exhibition «Mosoblproekt-2»

An exhibition of architectural objects, timed to the 70th anniversary of Academician RAACS, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, People's Architect of Russia Mikhail Posokhin is held in Moscow.


The People's Architect of Russia, the honorary member of the American Institute of Architecture and the French Academy of Architecture, the co-chairman of the Committee for the Validation of Architectural Programs of UNESCO and the UIA, the vice-president of the RAACS in the direction "Architecture" Alexander Kudryavtsev and the author of the architectural geography, Honored Scientist of Russia, member - correspondent of RAACS, head of the chair of construction materials, products and structures (SMIC) of the flagship university – BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, Professor Valery Lesovik were the honorary guests of the exhibition.

Professor said that currently talented specialist I. L. Pershina is taking course in graduate school in architectural geography specialization. Projects on the creation of acoustic pergolas at the territory of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov and the scientific center for the environmental acoustics studies in Belgorod.

The head of architectural design department A.D. Popov proposed an interesting ways of implementing architectural geology. Projects have been completed to establish a research station for polar explorers in the Arctic. Such a project is connected with the creation of architectural solutions for the North and the Arctic, including for the construction of military towns.



The specialization of architectural geonics is of great interest to students. Many graduates of the department of architectural environment design are taking course of the Masters and postgraduate programs at the department of construction materials, products and structures in specialization of "Construction" in order to study the issue of designing similar architectural forms, as well as composites for their creation.

For reference : Since 1982 М.М. Posokhin headed the architectural and planning workshop of the department of Mosproekt-2. Since 1993, he is in charge of Mosproekt-2 named after M.V. Posokhin "- one of the largest complex design organizations in Moscow working in the field of urban planning, architecture, urban design, engineering facilities, restoration of historical monuments and districts of the city.

For many years, the academician has been leading the development and reconstruction of a series of complex large-scale projects, such as the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the Moscow Kremlin, which has restored its historical appearance.

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