Flagship university - the leader in the methodology of scientific and educational activities

Department of Building Materials, Products and Structures of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov conducted an international webinar, attended by leading universities of the country: Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, North-Eastern Federal University, East Siberia State University of Technology and Management, Grozny State Oil Technical University named after M.D. Millionschikov, Far Eastern Federal University and others, as well as some EU universities - the University of Architecture and Construction in Weimar (Germany) and universities from Arab countries.


The event was held within the framework of the cycles of webinars «Problems of building materials science. New technologies». The host of the webinar is the head of the Department of Building Materials, Products and Structures, Corresponding Member of RAACS, Doctor of Tech. Sciences, Professor Valery Lesovik.

The report emphasized the relevance of a qualitative change in the approach to education, a transition to transdisciplinary education, as well as modern lines of training, including higher qualification, is needed.


Head of the Department of Composite Materials and Building Ecology Arkady Eisenstadt from Northern (Arctic) Federal University expressed gratitude to professor Lesovik, and noted that the department is a leader in scientific and educational activities and thanked for the contribution to the improvement of the educational process in NFU named after M.V. Lomonosov.

The lecturer of Far Eastern Federal University Educational Military Center, Lieutenant Colonel Roman Fedyuk, stressed the importance of such online technologies, during the educational process, and joint scientific research, including the development of new materials that can be used for the construction of facilities of the Russian Defense Ministry.

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