The university presented the projects of young scientists at the prestigious forum in Kursk

Delegation of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov presented its projects at the Central Russian Economic Forum. During the experts’ discussion of the problems of modern science Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov was shown as an example of the successful integration of science and business.

The flagship university pursues the policy of establishing the University 3.0 - it is a model of a new generation of higher education, where science, education and entrepreneurship go hand in hand.

The Central Russian Economic Forum is the largest annual event in the Central Federal District. More than two thousand specialists from 24 regions of Russia and 19 countries of the world became participants of the plenary session, discussions, round tables, presentations, strategic, expert, cross-sectoral and project sessions this year. The results of scientific and innovative development of young scientists and innovators demonstrated at the exhibition projects.

The developers of BSTU brought four projects in the field of IT-technologies, artificial intelligence, heat-power engineering and construction to Kursk. Senior Research Associate of the Department of Technical Cybernetics Alexander Bazhanov noted that the development of the flagship university is competitive and focused on real production and technology.

Automated transport-warehouse systems can be introduced at industrial enterprises of the construction and metallurgical industry, large sorting posts of mail or aggregators. The system was tested at the enterprise «Belagromash-Service named after V.Y. Ryazanov».

In total, about one hundred authors of innovative projects took part in the exhibition. The next, the eighth Central Russian Economic Forum will be held in Kursk in 2019.

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