Students spoke about engineer Shukhov in French

This event was organized by the Center for International Education and Cooperation (CIEC) and the Department of Foreign Languages as part of the celebration of the 165th anniversary of the birth of V.G. Shukhov.


Russian and foreign students spoke in French about the great engineer, his life and inventions. Etienne Dulong – a lecturer of the resource center of French and German languages carried out this event.

Etienne made a presentation and spoke about the facts of the biography and career of the great engineer. The reporter told that contemporaries called Vladimir Shukhov «man-factory» and «Russian Leonardo». He developed the oil industry and construction, heating engineering and shipbuilding, military and restoration work. According to his drawings, oil pipelines were laid and river tankers were designed, towers were constructed and factories were built. But the main thing is that Vladimir Shukhov discovered the cracking process, which allowed oil to be divided into fractions. Vladimir Shukhov, designed and patented the world's first industrial plant for continuous thermal oil cracking, along with his assistant Sergey Gavrilov in 1891.

More widely, his invention began to be used a little later, when a large number of gasoline cars appeared. In 1929, Vladimir Shukhov received the Lenin Prize for inventing the cracking process of oil, in 1932 - the star of the Hero of Labor and became a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences, and later an honorary academician. Until the end of the days he continued to work.

The students watched a small film about the famous Shabolovskaya tower in Moscow. It consisted of six hyperboloid steel sections with a height of 160 meters. On March 19, 1922, the first radio broadcasts began. Architectural masterpiece of the avant-garde era does not just fulfill its functions - Shukhov Tower is included in the list of cultural monuments with a conservation status, recommended for inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Hyperboloid towers of this design are built today in many countries of the world.

Sabina Velieva, Head of the International Relations Department (CIEC), a lecturer of the Department of Russian Language and Natural Sciences, Ekaterina Kugan, Head of the Rector's administration office and the Department of Foreign Languages, moderated the Round Table.

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