The regional flagship university became the winner of the Universiade 2017/2018 between universities

Solemn closing of the regional Universiade 2017/2018 among the higher educational institutions of the Belgorod region took place at the regional flagship university.


The Universiade is a traditional event which is carried out in the Belgorod region and annually brings together more than 1,500 participants from 13 universities in the region. This year six teams took part: Belgorod National Research University (BNRU), Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law (BUCEL), Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture(BSIAC) and Belgorod State Agricultural University named after V.Y. Gorin (BSAU) and Belgorod Law Institute of the Ministry of Interior of the Russian Federation Named After I.D. Putilin (BLIMIRF).

Within the framework of the Universiade, the teams competed in the following sports: volleyball, track and field athletics and weightlifting.


As a result of the competition, the winner of the Universiade was the team of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov.


According to the results of the volleyball competitions among women's teams, athletes from the flagship university took the first place, the second place - the team of BSAU and the third place – the team from BSAU.


In athletics competitions the highest number points was obtained by the team of BLIMIRF, the second place was taken by the team of BSTU and 3rd place - BSAU.


As a result of the competitions in weight-lifting, the winners were the sportsmen of BNRU, the second place was taken by the students of BSTU, the third place - BLIMIRF.

The creative teams of the Student Palace of Culture of BSTU performed for the guests.

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