Students of the university organized a film show «We Remember»

An open-air film show «We Remember», dedicated to the Soldier Appreciation Day, took place in the regional flagship university.



Students of the Civil Engineering Institute Yulia Varavina and Igor Semedov became the organizers of the event. Head of the club formations of the Center of cultural and educational work of BSTU Mikhail Spirin provided support for the event. The unified union of students represented by ITEMM student Kirill Chuev also assisted in the organization.

The purpose of the event was to familiarize citizens with the military stories of ordinary soldiers who fought and defended their families.



Students and stuff of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, as well as indifferent residents of the city who wanted to pay tribute to the deceased heroes gathered at the alley behind the university scientific library.

To honor the memory of all those who died during the Great Patriotic War, the evening began with «Minutes of silence».



One of the organizers Igor Semedov shared: «The event was organized with the idea that people would not forget about those who fought for them, who sacrificed their lives. This should not be forgotten. It's a memory for all time. Ten years will pass, one hundred, one thousand - people should remember those who gave us the peaceful sky».


After a short break, where all present could be treated with cakes and hot tea, the Soviet art film of 1970, directed by Andrey Smirnyi, «The Belorussky Railway Station», was shown.


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