The flagship university joined the Day of the Donor

«Day of the Donor» was held at the clinic of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov.

In the Year of the Volunteer, which is celebrated in 2018 in Russia, the significance of such events is especially felt. Since the morning the point for donating blood has been opened. Among those willing to do a good deed, there were students, as well as lecturers of a flagship university.


Annually, the Donor Adulthood campaign draws students and all those who are interested in donating blood to the needy. The event was organized jointly with the Belgorod Regional Blood Transfusion Station. On April 26 more than 100 people attended this event.


The university was engaged in organizational work, students of the Volunteer Center of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov met donors at the entrance, helped with the filling of documents, encouraged and instilled peace. Medical workers provided qualified assistance.

Among those who wanted to «give life to another» were newcomers and those who are not the first time coming to help. Before giving blood everyone was treated to sweet tea and cakes. The procedure consisted of several stages: during the initial treatment it was necessary to register and fill out the agreement, then, it was obligatory to visit the physician-therapist and to recover to the next room for the procedure of taking blood.

As the statistics showed, the guys giving blood were twice as many girls. The students themselves explain this by the fact that men are more courageous and stronger, and the opportunity to get 2 days off and a cash grant are great to reinforce motivation.

For Olga Domozhirova, candidate of economic sciences, professor of the Department of Economics and Production Organization - this is not the first time for donating blood: «I think we need to help people. To give the blood for me is a matter of honor», the lecturer commented.

«The flagship university again showed its solidarity, responsiveness and kind hearts. The next time this event is planned for October 2018», - noted medical staff.

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