Project management will help in the realization of ideas in practice

A strategic session on project management was held in the regional flagship university.

The event was organized by representatives of the Academy of Project Management, the direction «New Materials and Technologies in Construction» with the support of the Department of Internal and Personnel Policy of the region and the Regional Council for Innovation and Technology Development.

The training on thematic areas, where the project ideas were developed and the main parameters of the new projects were formulated, was the purpose of the strategic session. Participants will be able to apply their knowledge in their work.


The event was attended by six groups who worked on the project during the day and defended it at the conclusion of the session.

The groups were formed on the principle «Science + Power + Production». Each group included a representative of the university, a representative of the enterprise interested in this development, and a representative of the construction and transport department of the region, who acted as the curator of the project.


Presentation of projects was carried out at the end of the training. Representatives of the department gave some comments and recommendations on the projects finalization for its further implementation at the Belgorod region.



For reference: The Academy of Project Management is an educational and consulting center created with the support of the Government of the Belgorod Region. The main goal of the Academy's activity is the formation of a holistic multi-level system for training highly skilled management personnel, based on the development of professional and personal competencies in the field of project management.

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