The university presented its projects at the Moscow International Salon of Education

The largest event in the field of education in Russia - Moscow International Salon of Education was held in Moscow at VDNH. This is the largest exhibition in the country of new educational technologies, infrastructure and intellectual solutions.


In 2018 the name of the salon is «The New Ecosystem of Education». The title emphasizes the development of communication between all participants of the educational process in Russia and abroad, the integration of accumulated experience in new educational trajectories and solutions.

The delegation of the flagship university headed by the rector professor Sergey Glagolev took part in all the significant events of the salon.

Involving students in entrepreneurial activities; key aspects of interaction between universities, business and government with implementation of student academic mobility, etc. These issues were discussed at the Ministry of Education and Science stand.

Discussions «Post-industrial model of vocational education» and staffing of the regional economy caused a significant interest of representatives of higher education. Head of the Department of Professional Education and Science of the Department of Internal Personnel Policy of the Belgorod Region Albina Buchek and Vice-Rector for Continuing Education of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov Sergey Mikhailichenko represented the Belgorod region and the flagship university.

For reference: Moscow International Salon of Education is a platform for the development of a dialogue between the educational and expert communities, state institutions and businesses on current issues of the present and future education system, a platform for attracting the Russian and foreign businesses to participate in the Russian educational process, including the form of public- private partnership.

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