The book about V.G. Shukhov yielded two awards to the flagship university

The team of the Museum-Exhibition Complex of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov received an award for its participation in the book publication about Vladimir Grigorievich Shukhov.

Papers, reference articles, photographs and copies of unique documents that illustrate important milestones in the life of an engineer whose name is supported by a high school, became the basis for a personal book that was included in the series «Remarkable Compatriots».

This is part of the project «Library of the Belgorod family», which was issued by the publishing house «Mediarost» with the support of the government of the Belgorod region.

The university Museum-Exhibition Complex received an advance copy of the «Shukhov» book and a letter of gratitude from the Governor of the Belgorod Region Evgeny Savchenko for participating in the book publication, as well as high professionalism and significant contribution to the formation and preservation of the cultural and historical environment of the Belgorod region.

During the presentation of the 20-volume series of books «Famous fellow compatriots», the deputy governor - the head of the department of internal and personnel policy of the Belgorod region Olga Pavlova presented a letter of gratitude to the Director of the Museum-Exhibition Complex of BSTU Tamara Konoreva.


The quest associated with the names of famous compatriots as part of the presentation of the book series «Wonderful fellow compatriots» with the assistance of the regional culture department and the «Cultural region» project was arranged.

The Shukhov team represented the flagship university.

The team of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov is recognized as the best by results. Students received invitations to the performance «Sympho-rock» together with a set of book series «Wonderful compatriots» as the main prize.

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