The BSTU preparatory faculty will be opened at the University of Zarka (Jordan)

Deputy Director of the Center for International Education and Cooperation of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov Yaser Allaham presented a flagship university at the meeting with the president of the University of Zarka (Jordan), a doctor, Professor Bassam Al-Helou.

During the meeting, with participation of five vice-rectors of the Jordanian university, the concept of holding the first international conference on construction was discussed. The parties agreed that BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov will be the organizer of this event from the Russian side.

Dr. Yaser Allaham, on behalf of the rector of Professor Sergey Glagolev, invited the rector of the University of Zarka to visit the flagship university on an official visit in May 2018 to hold talks on the preparation for the conference.


Apart from that, during the meeting the parties discussed plans to involve the Construction Academy of Sciences of Russia to participate in the congress. Also the possibility of opening a preparatory faculty of BSTU at the University of Zarka was considered.

During the visit to Jordan, Dr. Yaser Allaham met with the Secretary General of the Union of Arab Universities * Dr. Sultan T. Abu-Orabi with the participation of the First Deputy President of the Union of Arab Universities prof. Khamisi Hamidi and the Director of Public Relations of the Union, Vahib Karazhikh.

The parties discussed the results of the Russian-Arab meeting of the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation and the rectors of 40 Russian universities, as well as the possibility of holding a similar meeting in Russia. In this regard, the arrival of the president of the Union at BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov in May-June of 2018 is planned.


In addition, Dr. Yaser Allaham met with the university-partner rector of the flagship university Amman Arab University, Professor Maher L.D. Salim. At the meeting they discussed the possibility of exchanging students of the construction faculty of the Jordanian university and training in the Master program department at our university.

A meeting with the Ambassador of the Russian Federation in Amman Boris Bolotin also took place. The ambassador promised to provide support and thanked rector Sergey Glagolev for his active work. A meeting with Alexander Kuvshinov (deputy director of the cultural center) was held in the Russian cultural center.


* Union of Arab Universities - includes 460 universities.


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