Exhibition of orthodox paintings opened in the museum of the flagship university

On the eve of the Great Easter holiday, the exhibition «Orthodox Russia» was opened.  The works of the member of the Russian Artists Union Vladimir Nesterkov were presented at the museum of BSTU named after. V.G. Shukhov.


The exhibition is held within the framework of the project «Rus’ zapovednaya-4».

15 paintings, according to the master, represent only a small part of his creative path. These are canvases on biblical subjects - fascinating, and pondering, as well as portraits and landscapes from numerous trips to the holy places of Russia.


Students and teachers of the university visited the exhibition opening. Chairman of the Board of the Belgorod Regional Branch of the Russian Artists Union Stanislav Dymov, Head of the Club of Lovers of Russian Literature of BSTU «Pushkarnaya Sloboda» Stanislav Minakov, a member of the Union of Journalists of Russia, the famous Belgorod journalist Olga Severina became honorable guests of the opening day.

The author held a short tour of the exhibition and told about the history of the creation of some pictures in the final of the event. Everyone could ask questions to Vladimir Yevgenyevich and get exhaustive answers.


For reference: Vladimir Evgenievich Nesterkov was born in 1959. In 1989 he graduated from the KSPI, the faculty of art and graphics. Since 1995 he is a member of the Russian Artists Union. He lives in Belgorod. Since 1995 he has been a regular participant of All-Russian, International, regional and other exhibitions. The works are preserved in the Belgorod State Art Museum, as well as in private collections in the USA, France, Germany.

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