Students of the Department of Construction and Urban Management visited the giant construction site in Dubai

While it was snowing in Belgorod, students of the Department of Construction and Urban Management, headed by the chief of the department Lyudmila Suleymanova, went for a week trip to the country of the golden coasts of the Persian Gulf, high technologies, growing from the skyscrapers of sand. The purpose of the trip is to visit large-scale and grandiose construction projects, to get acquainted with the unique buildings and structures of Dubai.

The urban scale of this city is felt at the first sight through the window of the aircraft. On the first day of the trip students went for a sightseeing tour of Dubai, as well as a group trip to the capital of the UAE - Abu Dhabi, and for observing the tallest building in the world - Burj Khalifa from the deck.

The subway in Dubai is relatively new. Its distinctive feature is that it’s completely overground. All the stations are the same type, from constructive and architectural aspects.

During our trip, for several days in the evenings, it was a fountains light show in front of Burj Khalifa, which is awarded the Guinness World Record.


Most of the skyscrapers in Dubai are situated in two districts - Dubai Marina and along the Sheikh Zaida Road street. The area of ​​Dubai-Marina is built around the canal. All the diversity of the city architecture is revealed in the area of ​​the main Sheikh Zayd street. In addition to numerous high-rise buildings, the first office of the Dubai Future Fund printed on a 3D printer is located there.


In Abu Dhabi, we visited all the unique buildings - falling tower, a skyscraper of a round shape, and also a snow-white mosque of Sheikh Zayd. The whole mosque is faced with white marble, covered with mosaic of different shades of other varieties of marble. Ornaments of the columns are presented in the form of palm leaves covered with gold. The interior rooms for prayers are covered with carpets woven by hand. During the sunset, the mosque dissolves in the rays of the setting sun, piercing through it, endlessly reflected from the white vaults of walls, floors and columns.

Despite the high density of construction, the urban environment is filled with greenery with an artificial irrigation system, a correctly organized traffic flow, a system of footpaths and sidewalks. The nearby metro stations, which have two main directions, serve as an excellent guide. But the main guiding light is Burj Khalifa, which silhouette is visible from any place in the city, even during small sandstorms.

A lot of skyscrapers, a rich population, a modern urban environment and impressive scale of construction - you can describe the city itself and the United Arab Emirates in general. Hidden behind high fences and existing buildings, construction sites are found everywhere within a radius of not more than one hundred meters. It can be a foundation pit, where bored piles are made, adjacent to an already growing high-rise building, large-scale road junctions, viaducts, whole suburb areas given for low-rise buildings.

Our group visited several construction sites located in the heart of Dubai. According to the constructors, works are conducted here 24 hours a day, and one floor is being built in 6 days.

Since dense buildings significantly hamper the boundaries of construction, several cranes can operate simultaneously on a small area. Despite such pace and workload, the city does not turn into one large construction site. Properly organized transport logistics do not allow technology to create traffic jams, and the noise level from machines, mechanisms and various construction processes is minimized due to the use of modern equipment. But despite that, the construction blends harmoniously with the city life rhythm.

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