Consul of the Syrian Embassy in Russia visited Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov

Consul of the Syrian Arab Republic in Russia, Mr. Firas Darwish visited the Belgorod region's flagship university - BSTU, where he met with the rector Sergey Glagolev and had a meeting with students from Syria, who are studying at the university.\

«I am very glad to visit your university and convey the most sincere wishes from the leaders of Syria. I came to meet rector Sergey Glagolev and get acquainted with the Syrian students’ life,»said Mr. Firas Darwish during the meeting.

In response, Sergey Glagolev noted that the BSTU named after V.G. Shukhova - one of the first universities in Russia, which began to cooperate with the Syrian Arab Republic. Since 2010 the university gives knowledge to students from this friendly country. So far, more than 40 students receive higher education at the university.

«Syria is our old partner. We will help to train first-class specialists who will be able to rebuild the country. In the future, we will also cooperate and continue to build peace throughout the world,» Sergei Nikolaevich said.



In a friendly and relaxed atmosphere in the format of «Question-answer» Mr. Firas Darwish talked with his compatriots. Students from Syria asked any questions of interest. Young people were interested in issues related to the procedure for the passport issuing procedure, the peculiarities of Russian education and culture, participation in competitions, obtaining various awards and scholarships.

Despite the difficult military situation in Syria, young citizens of this country are striving to obtain scientific knowledge. They highly value the Russian higher school and note that they are treated with warmth and care, providing them with an excellent education that will help build a «new» Syria.

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