University intellectuals played the game «We are the students of Shukhov university»

The first game of the university intellectual club was held in the regional flagship university. The head of the BSTU club activity Mikhail Spirin and the 4th year student Kirill Chuyev organized this event.


In total, 10 teams participated in the competition: 8 teams from BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov: «Alpha-Gamma», «Tripotaniya», «Vinegret», «Fantastic Five», «Spring», «The Date», «Pie Vermicelli» and «Boss of course». And 2 teams from Belgorod State Agrarian University named after V.Y. Goryn «S.I.S.T.E.M.A.» and «S.I.S.T.E.M.N.I.K.».

Kirill Chuyev shared: «The topic of our game is love. Yes, it's really sweet and, of course, this theme is timed to the 8th of March, International Women's Day».


The game consisted of five rounds. The first two rounds represented written assignments, where it was necessary to give answers to the questions submitted. The third round - video tour, where participants had to add phrases from famous paintings of the cinematograph, to name the paintings themselves, etc. The next tour is musical. Here various music works were offered to the contestants, and it was necessary to name either the performers, either the genre or the name of the work. And the final round is blitz-questions, where students had to cope with the task for a shorter period of time.


The results of all rounds were counted by the Counting Commission consisting of Kirill Chuyev and the student of the 4th year, Artyom Golovanyov.

The winning places were distributed as follows: 1st place - the national team «Boss of course» (Institute of Technological equipment and machine building), 2nd place - the team «The date» (Institute of Economics and Management), and 3rd place - the team «Fantastic Five» (Institute of Engineering and Construction). Winners were awarded with diplomas and memorable souvenirs.



Diplomas for active participation were presented to all the other participants.

Also, Kirill Chuyev reminded that one more game is planned at the end of March.

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