The University hosted an international thematic competition

A creative contest among students of preparatory faculties for foreign citizens «Brave heroes, fair maidens» was held at the Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov.



The event is held to stimulate the interest of foreign students in the study of the Russian language and culture. It is well known that without the knowledge of culture it is impossible to learn the language of the people. Participation in the competition was attended by students of the preparatory faculty from four Belgorod universities – BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law and Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture. Every year this creative competition is a great interest to the foreign students and their Russian friends. Initially, the competition was conceived for students of the BSTU preparatory faculty, but since last year students of other Belgorod universities are taking part as well.


Traditionally, teams needed to present their abilities in three categories: a fairy tale, a song in Russian and a Russian folk dance.

The first competition of the Russian fairy tale retelling immediately aroused the sympathy of the audience to the teams: the versions of the fairy tales Kolobok, Mukha-tsokotukha, Teremok left no one indifferent.



A dance contest was particularly striking and memorable. Merry Russian quadrille, «Kalinka-malinka» and other compositions brought unforgettable emotions to the audience.

At the end of the solemn evening, vocal artists performed with modern Russian compositions, creating a real atmosphere of the celebration.


«The guys are really good, everybody performed very well. We can say that the Russian language and Russian culture brought together international students from different universities into one big creative family at this competition», - noted Ksenia Pozdnyakova, the deputy dean of the Preparatory faculty on cultural and educational work.

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