A sports festival dedicated to the Fatherland Defender’s Day was held at the university

A sports festival dedicated to the Fatherland Defender’s Day took place at the BSTU. Seven teams representing university institutions participated in a kind of merry relay races.

The deputy head of the department of physical education and sport Maxim Ivanov performed the official opening: «We are very glad to welcome you here today at the regular festival. And I would like to wish you excellent sports results, high achievements and victories. Good luck to all! ».

The athletes and fans attended this event, as well as the directors of the institutes.

The organizer of the event, the coach of the men's volleyball team Natalia Gruzdeva, presented the teams of the participants. 10 students defended the honor of the seven institutes. Participants took part in 7 kinds of different competitions.



The first competition - the relay «Jolly jumps». The contestants had to overcome the distance with a bag on their feet. Then the contest «Who is faster» began. The participants overcame the distance on all fours on the speed.



The Institute of Technological Equipment and Machine Building took the first place, the second place was given the Institute of Energy, Information Technology and Control Systems, the third prize awardee was the Institute of Economics and Management, the fourth place took the Institute of Engineering and Construction, Chemical Technology Institute won the fifth place, the sixth - Transport and Technology Institute and the seventh - The Architectural Institute.



Natalia Gruzdeva said: «We arrange this event for the second year. Last time everything went much more modestly and quietly. Now the students felt themselves more confidently». Sergey Latyshev congratulated all participants on the Fatherland Defender’s Day on behalf of the university's trade union organization and wished further success. All the teams received a festive pie as a reward for participating in competitions.


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