Student detachments are training new batch of students

The III Staff School of Student Detachments of the Belgorod Region has completed its work in the Center of Youth Initiatives in Belgorod.


During the day, young commanders and commissars of the university staffs of student construction detachments studied the information necessary for the leader of the youth movement about the Russian student detachments and adopted the experience of more experienced comrades.

The program of the School included lectures on the history and structure of Russian student groups, documents concerning the legal foundations of the association activities. There was an acquaintance with the corporate values and culture of Russian student groups during the event.

The head of the Belgorod branch of the Russian student detachments, a member of the Public Chamber of the Belgorod Region, Andrey Vatulin, told in detail about the system of functioning of the student squads of the Belgorod region, their structure and history to the participants.


The School participants received useful advice on how to create a cohesive and effective team, as well as learned about the indicators of the contest-rating of higher educational institutions, which will be launched for the first time this year.

Chief of student construction teams Staff of BSTU Oleg Gorshkov discussed the issues of labor protection and the mechanism for controlling the team work during the labor period with the school participants.

Young people passed the quest prepared by the organizers, and also took part in the business game «Forming the image of a perfect staff» to consolidate the knowledge gained during the lectures.

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