BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov became a partner of an unusual CAD-event

BSTU became a partner institution of «Technology LLC» at a specific conference «nanoCAD SHOW», the largest Russian producer of industry software company «Nanosoft». Currently, construction design, research and technological support of the industry are carried out in the university with the use of 7 units of specialized software "Nanosoft". «NanoCAD SHOW-2018» - a fundamentally new format for CAD-events. It takes place from January 30 to March 14 in 11 Russian cities. Belgorod was the first city to host this event. The manufacturer presented here updates and software products of the nanoCAD SPDS, NormaCS and ModelStudioCS series in an unusually easy, entertaining form of the interactive show.

The participants of the meeting learned what nanoCAD is and which applications are developed, also they learned 10 lifehacks for the daily work of the engineer in this program, found out how to make money with this software, how to participate in the development process, how it differs from all the others building CAD, the practical use in the industry and much more. BSTU became the partner of this event not by chance. Last year, an authorized training center for nanoCAD was created in the flagship university. Privileges of the authorized training center allow the university to build an effective process of teaching BIM-technologies using the most relevant and fully-functional industry software.

And the practice of holding conferences and seminars of training  and awareness raising activities makes it possible for the university to become a constantly acting and effective educational, exhibition and discussion branch of the region, which accumulates the efforts of leading specialists of enterprises and organizations of the construction sector engaged in design, expertise, construction and operation of buildings and structures.


Effective integration in the project business of the architect, engineer, estimator and manager profiles is possible only with the rational organization of their joint activities within the framework of modern software that implements the BIM standard.

The university is carrying out a profound reorganization of the educational and research processes aimed at training specialists with a universal basic component capable of working in any of the areas of end-to-end technology with individualized additional special training.

Last year, the University conducted ten faculty and universitywide scientific and educational events to popularize digital technologies for design and construction create centers for professional growth of the industry community at the leading design sites of universities - specialized departments, design bureaus, research laboratories. A workshop "Expanding borders. Open BIM-interaction of architectural and engineering solutions», which gathered architects and designers from three regions of Russia, became the final event of the year.

About 200 experts from Belgorod, Kursk and Rostov regions met at the university to talk directly with the producers of BIM-programs, which make it possible to greatly facilitate and improve their work.

BSTU, as a flagship university, is the scientific and educational core of the gradual transition of the regional professional community to information technologies of construction design and technical operation of buildings and structures.

The university carries out the adaptation to the modern industry trends aimed at outstripping the release of engineers of a new generation - developers and consumers of high technologies who own a modern elemental and technological digital base, who are able to work with modern means of its management and dispatching in a non-documentary form.

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