S.N.Glagolev: “University is a road to life”

On January 25, a traditional meeting of student active group with the rector of the BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov Sergey Glagolev was held.


Every year in honor of the Russian Students Day, rector meets with young people to establish a dialogue between the students and the administration, discuss the most pressing issues and problems, and answer the students' questions.


This time the vice rector on cultural and pedagogic work Irina Avilova and vice-rector on ongoing education Sergei Mikhailichenko came to congratulate students with their holiday and  learn about their plans and dreams.



Last year the university received the status of a core university in the region, which undoubtedly affected its work and the activity of the students. Representatives of various student associations made presentations on projects implemented over the past year, told about plans for the future, thanked the university administration for supporting their initiatives.

The success of the ecological volunteer services of the university was shared by the leader of “EcoDobro BSTU” Maxim Yuruts. Over the past year, the guys have organized and carried out a lot of useful activities to improve the ecology of the region: they collected waste paper, planted trees, participated in ecological forums, and dealt with information and propaganda activities. Recently, the boxes for batteries collecting and disposal appeared.

Mikhail Spirin, the head of the university club associations, spoke about the activities of each direction, paying special attention to the most popular movement – Club of the cheerful and sharp-witted. BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov was always famous for the strongest players, this is especially noticeable at the festival "Retro- Club of the cheerful and sharp-witted ", which is held for the third year in the university with the participation of those who defended its honor since 1991.

Thus, there is a transfer of best practices between University Club of the cheerful and sharp-witted of different generations. In April 2018, it is planned to hold a great event - Club of the cheerful and sharp-witted festival dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Young communist league. And more recently, the Shukhov team, Club of the cheerful and sharp-witted -«Head" received an elevated rating at the Club of the cheerful and sharp-witted festival in Sochi, which gives it the opportunity to perform in one of the central leagues of the game. Michael shared his plans for other directions - he presented the project of creating an intellectual club "Technologist".


The curator of engineering and racing university team Artem Korolev spoke out about accomplished work and his plans for future. "Shukhov Racing Team" continues to implement its successful project, at the moment the application is submitted to the International stage of the "Formula Student" competition in Italy.

It is planned to pay special attention to the new direction – SRJ Baja, which was opened at the end of last year.


The journalist of student TV “Studlaif” Vlada Tovstiuy has told about achievements and awards of her team. Also she shared thoughts about the future plans.

The students were praised by the director general of STS tv channel Kira Laskari. Now they are planning to arrange her visit to our university.

At the end of the presentations, the meeting became an open dialogue. Students asked their questions to the rector of the university, they made suggestions. They talked about the most urgent issues: studies, sessions, meals, scholarships, healthy lifestyles, patriotism and censorship.

"The most important thing is your achievement in studies. And, if you will be active and initiative on top of it, it will help you a lot in your future! And from our side, we will support all your creative ideas and undertakings, because university is a road to life, "said Sergey Nikolaevich.

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