Growing interests for studying Russian language in Morocco

A group of teachers of the Russian language from the department of the preparatory faculty for foreign citizens of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov teach Russian in the Kingdom of Morocco under the academic mobility program as part of the implementation of the federal target program "Russian Language" (for 2016-2020)

According to the agreement concluded with BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov teachers of the basic University of the Belgorod region arrived in October 2017 in Settat to teach Russian language courses for students, post-graduate students and teachers of Hassan I University, as well as groups of schoolchildren of the Lyceum Ibn Abbad. In addition, the teachers of our university decided not only teach but also acquaint Moroccan students to Russian culture and traditions.

Two of the teachers already have a successful experience in teaching foreign citizens for training in Russian universities in a non-linguistic environment - they taught in the city of Agadir of the Kingdom of Morocco in 2015-2016 school year. A new visit to this country gave a pleasant surprise: at the beginning of the educational process, 250 people were declared wishing to learn Russian, and a month later the number of teachers increased to 350.

Teachers of the Department of Russian language of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov combines both classical and innovative teaching methodsduring work with foreign students, graduate students and schoolchildren, uses the latest technical means and technologies, interactive and psychological methods. Combination of new tools during classroom work creates opportunities for intensive learning of speech in communicative communication, motivates the learning process. In addition, the study of the Russian language becomes for foreign students studying a guide to the world of original Russian culture, which one wants to learn more closely, once visiting Russia.

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