BSTU named after V.G. Shukhovis the winner of the

The 1st All-Russian Conference for PR-Employees of Russian Universities named "Paradoxes of Information Openness" took place at Moscow, where the best press services of universities of the country were awarded.


Center for Public Relations of the  BSTU named  V.G. Shukhov received three diplomas at once: the winner of the III All-Russian competition project "MEDIAactivity of Russian HEIs", "PR-factor 8" - representing the assessment of the university's activity within the framework of this project, and the diploma of the three-time laureate of the All-Russian competition "Press Service of the University" carrying out.


"PR-factor" is an indicator of the media activity of the university, which is calculated taking into account the following criteria: media reactivity of the rector, media activity of the university in social networks, publication activity of the university, event activity of the university, creative activity. As a result of the contest, the Belgorod region's core university is BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov - entered the number of universities with the highest PR-factor, and our rector - in the top 50 most media-active leaders of Russian universities.

The conference was organized by the "Accreditation in Education" publishing house within the framework of the IV Annual national exhibition "VUZPROMEXPO", attended by representatives of the Information Policy Department of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, IA "Interfax", PR agencies and press services of universities, who provided recommendations for the development of links with the public in universities and shared best practices in this field.


BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov was presented by the head of the communications and information department of the Center for Public Relations Ms. Marina Mindolina.

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