Anniversary of Preparatory faculty

Preparatory faculty for foreign citizens was celebrating 10 years anniversary. It is the first round date. Started with the initiation of newcomers to the students of the faculty, which was held on November 10th in the disco hall of the Student Palace of Culture.

Foreign citizens have been studying at the university since 1991. During this time there were 20 issues and more than 5,000 graduates. They saw the history of the preparatory faculty for foreigners in the video chronicles, got acquainted with its symbols, learned the hymn and uttered a comic oath. Each of the initiators of the faculty received in memory of this significant day.


Head of the faculty E.N. Legochkina had a speech and now foreign students of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov from Cameroon and Egypt share their experience. They remembered how they learned Russian and profile subjects, participated in challenges and won victories at competitions, which brought their dream to become students of our university, and also gave some useful advice to newcomers.


The newly minted students prepared several concert numbers for the holiday, demonstrating their choreographic and vocal talents. Since the beginning of the academic year, they are engaged in creative studios of the preparatory faculty and have already achieved a lot together, for example, songs in Russian performed by Africans sounded quite recognizable.



As part of the dedication to the students of the faculty, foreigners took part in an extensive program prepared by teachers, which included contests, interactive games and prizes. The most valuable gift was a certificate for 20 points, which you can add to your final rating on completing your studies. Those who receive 254 points during their studies may not take exams, but for this it is necessary not only to actively participate in the life of the faculty, but also to win in the challanges and contests that will take place during the academic year.


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