Interuniversity student conference

From the 6th of October the NAUKA 0+ Science Festival was held at the Moscow Architectural Institute (Moscow Architectural Institute, Moscow), during which numerous exhibitions, lectures, master classes and other events were organized. The organizers were the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Government of Moscow, the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov and the Moscow Architectural Institute.

On the final day of the festival, an inter-university conference "Ecology of Culture - Preservation and Restoration of Historical Heritage" was held. The conference was attended by students from various universities: the Moscow Architectural Institute; Ilya Glazunov Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, State University of Land Management, Ukhta State Technical University; Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov; Russian State University for the Humanities; Orenburg State University.

The conference heard reports on the preservation in the cities of monuments of architectural and historical heritage in the Komi Republic, the historical heritage and appearance of cities, the introduction of the principles of the ecology of culture in modern architectural space and landscape, the study of historical architectural heritage, and others.



Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of BSTU in the face of the undergraduate Olga Roshchupkina presented a report"Integration of the historical landscape into modern buildings" under the direction of the head of the department -M.V. Perkova. Olga previously participated in the selection, presenting abstracts and presentation.

Olga studied the landscape features of Belgorod. Active gully-beam relief in urban areas can be considered as a factor in the formation of a favorable ecological environment of residential areas. Integration of the historically developed landscape into modern buildings in the design of residential buildings by the example of an apartment house on a complex terrain along the street. Garden allows to form a natural core, recreational and public space. The natural core is organized using the methods of geo-plastics and flooding the bottom of the ravine.

Based on the results of the conference, O.E. Roshchupkina and her supervisor received a diploma and a letter from the rector of the Moscow Architectural Institute.

In conclusion, the conference was addressed by the leading conference professor N.V. Blagovidov. She congratulated the participants on the successful performance, noted the good preparation of the reporters, including, she expressed the hope that the traditions of the annual interuniversity forums within the framework of the All-Russian Science Festival will be continued, and interest in the research and scientific problems of architecture will further unite the cities. The relevance of each of the reports presented and the enthusiasm for the speakers were noted.

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